Adult attention-deficit/hyper-activity disorder (ADHD)
Symptoms of ADHD can make it hard to manage everyday tasks, navigate relationships and can lead to lowered self-esteem. While many individuals benefit from medication, some choose not to seek a medication-routine option, or may benefit from additional support in managing persistent symptoms.
What Will A Typical Session Look Like?
Symptoms of ADHD can look different from person to person. While some may struggle with focus, motivation and staying goal-orientated, some experience increases in impulsive behavior, irritability and maintaining professional/personal connections. In developing a treatment plan, I'll initially focus on what your core concerns are, your goals, and hopes for therapy.
We'll explore ways to increase coping skills, emotional regulation, organization and embrace your natural strengths. I'll incorporate mindfulness exercises, education and provide space for processing. While incorporating tools to improve symptoms, I'll encourage open communication to explore whether they are helpful or not. I practice from a mixed-method approach, tailored to you as an individual.
I am a neurodivergent provider, diagnosed with ADHD. I prefer to disclose my lived experience, as I utilize both techniques that have worked well for me, as well as techniques that have worked well for others with differently presenting core symptoms.